9 years later…

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 — 2:59pm

It is a beautiful day outside.

Sunny, 70’s… California.

I’ve sat down to write this 1,000 different times and for whatever reason (the list is extensive) I never actually hit publish.

I’ve been doing it in a round-about way for the last two decades — Instagram yes, but the story is only half told through photos.

Scribbled through three decades of journals, scattered across hundreds of thousands of photos and an innumerable number of defining moments there is a hero’s journey emerging with chapters of healing, suffering, triumph and awakening…

I’ve been living it, documenting most… but sharing only a fraction of the truth with the world.

I thought about starting over…

A clean website with some catchy title at the top, an opt in and a direct call to action…

“Sign up for my newsletter… I’ll send you my most polished writing, build some value and sell you something.”

But, then I took a stroll down memory lane…

There are about 30 images on this site… created a decade ago.

GIF’s, photo dumps, random writings all expressions of art… and necessary piece of the backstory. #originalNFT

Some of it makes me cringe… but all a part of me and a reminder that a whole lot can change in 10 years.

That highly creative, introverted, observant, storyteller who was smoking, drinking, partying, bartending and taking photos for a living is living a very different life these days.

But, still an artist.

The canvas is different… no more concerts or cocaine… but a very familiar storyline

All in.

Adrenaline soaked, fast paced, high speed… more, more and more.

So much can change in a decade but truthfully we don’t change all that much…

I am still an artist and introvert — I love living in it and escaping to the quiet to reflect, write and create.

Artful Living.

I keep coming back to this… the idea of living in such a way that it inspires that which art inspires.



Emotional movement.


Think of the last time you were moved by art… poetry… nature…

Time stopping presence when the muse whispers…

hey you… here is the golden thread you’ve been looking for.

It is what moves the artists brush.

A blank canvas comes to life — igniting an idea from the ethers bringing the intangible into existence.


It’s vague and poetic.

frustrating. unclear. agitating.

and overwhelmingly profound.

it is the feeling of waking from a vivid and visceral dream…

shaken. moved. unsettled.

questioning reality.

what the actual fuck?


but you know it is there.

that is the golden thread. the muse. the all.

Three decades I’ve been pulling on this golden thread.

woven into everything great — it is the fiber that connects the artist in all.

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